What is Visitation/Parenting Time?

Child visitation law holds the non-custodial parents’ right(s) to spend time with their children. Arranging parenting visitations may become hard when both parent’s schedules differentiate so most individuals seek attorney help with these types of cases. Our company deeply appreciates the value each parent holds in a child’s life and that is why we make it a priority to represent our clients in the most elite way possible. We understand the carefulness an individual takes to get the best care possible for their family and that is why we are so grateful to play a role in choosing the most beneficial system for the youth involved. We are conscious of the differences in every situation and hold our team to a high standard to present the most valuable information to our clients.

Unsupervised Visitation

Unsupervised visitation is the most common method used in family law cases where the parent without sole custody of the child can take their child to their own homes.

Supervised Visitation

Supervised visitation is another method used in family law cases where the parent without sole custody can have visitations with their child, but another adult must be present.