What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A Prenuptial Agreement is a contract between two people who are about to marry specifying their respective property and support rights after the marriage ends sure to divorce or death, also property rights during their marriage. Individuals obtain these agreements for a numerous quantity of reasons because their various aspects of the document regardless of one’s financials. Our firm in North County, appreciates the extra step a relationship takes for a commitment between partners and their decision to go forward with a prenuptial agreement. We believe it is the individual’s right to protect their assets/belongings and an intelligent option, we are joyful to provide guidance with proceeding to assist our clients during this process.

Elements to Consider for a Prenuptial Agreement

  • Assets
  • Debts
  • Property Division
  • Finances and Property After Death
  • Custody and Support of Children (if any)
  • Alimony