What are Move-Away Cases?

A “move-away case” arises when an individual with joint or sole custody of a child wishes to relocate to a setting far enough away from the existing custodial agreement to cause disruption. If the transfer is 20 or 2000 miles away, the parents will require new custody and visitation orders if the move solely affects the current custody agreement. At Thompson & Belnap we are aware in relation to needs of the environment for each family and want to represent you at our best ability to accommodate everyone involved with these kinds of cases. Our team specializes in cases brought to us regarding a family’s decision to move that might make an inconvenience for others involved. Whichever side of the spectrum you may be on, we are willing to push for the opportunity that would best suit our client and everyone in contribution to this circumstance.

What Factors are Considered in a Move-Away Case?

  • Custodial Arrangement
  • Distance of Move
  • Child’s Age
  • Child’s Relationship with Both Parents
  • Child’s Best Interest
  • Reason for Their Move