What is Child Custody/Parenting Plan?

“Child custody” refers to the parental rights and obligations for the care of their child or children. In a case, you will have to decide about custody and will also need to decide on “visitation” or how each parent will spend time with the kids. The importance of this process is very attentive from the perspective of the law and is recommended to go through a lawyer if no agreement can be made between parents and problems eventually arise. It is to our comprehension how difficult child custody cases can be, but with the experience of our team here in California it is our duty to fight on behalf of the child’s best interest. We consider all aspects of each unique situation from our clients and project our responsibilities to obtain the best proposal possible for the family.

Physical Custody

Physical custody is a rule in family law where a parent it granted the right to have their child live with them.

Legal Custody

Legal custody is a rule in family law where a parent is granted the obligation to make decisions for their child.

Sole Custody

Sole custody is a rule in family law where one parent has either physical or legal custody over the child because the other parent is deemed as unfit.

Joint Custody

This is the most favored custody regulation when the parents of the child do not live together, but they are both granted custody rights to their child.

  • Joint legal custody
  • Joint physical custody
  • Joint legal and physical custody